Ask Aii

Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure tarafından hazırlanan Ask Aii

Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure

Have a question on our nation's infrastructure related to the environment, energy industry, transportation systems, and utilities industries? Send them to @AiiNonProfit on Twitter or e-mail them to Go to for more! Ask the Expert is a video cast provided by the Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii), an independent, non-profit alliance focusing on infrastructure innovation through awareness and education.

Son bölümü dinle:

@BenDierker from Twitter asked: Are Solar Roadways feasible? Is there a Solar Revolution coming to the US? Watch infrastructure expert, Brigham McCown, answer in the video above. Have a question you want answered? Send them to @AiiWire on Twitter or e-mail them to Ask the Expert is a video cast provided by the Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii), an independent, non-profit alliance focusing on infrastructure innovation through awareness and education.

Önceki bölümler

  • 15 - Are Solar Roadways Feasible? 
    Fri, 06 Nov 2015
  • 14 - Can we prevent power outages? 
    Fri, 24 Apr 2015
  • 13 - Are ethanol fuels really saving the environment? 
    Thu, 26 Feb 2015
  • 12 - Ask the Expert: What's going on with the Highway Trust Fund? 
    Thu, 05 Feb 2015
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